Ankle-Foot Orthoses

Ankle-Foot Orthosis

What is Ankle-Foot Orthoses?

Ankle foot orthoses, also known as AFOs, are external devices used on the lower limbs to enhance physical functioning and stabilize joints. These biomechanical devices serve as supportive aids for ambulation by assisting with foot clearance and limiting or aiding ankle and foot range of motion (ROM), such as dorsiflexion and plantar flexion. Additionally, AFOs can help to improve balance, reduce the risk of falling, strengthen weak lower leg muscles, and aid in returning to previous activities or facilitating patient mobility.

Reuter's Can Help

AFOs are available in various types and materials. Reuter’s can customize a solution you’re your individual needs and development, for adults as well as children. They are commonly made from thermoformed plastic, which allows for easy modification and adjustment. In some cases, AFOs are also used as night splints to prevent contractures, particularly in patients with neurological conditions such as stroke, spinal cord injuries, and children with cerebral palsy.

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